#34 The Business Of Big Business - Lawrence Koh


Lawrence Koh is the founder and CEO of International Diversified Products (IDP). Established in 1987, IDP is built on Lawrence’s commitment to a relationship-centered approach to business and is a natural legacy of his decades of work as a motivational speaker and personal development facilitator.  He also founded the Students for a Better Tomorrow Foundation (SBT), which mentors youth in relationship-building and entrepreneurial business skills. In 2003 he received the America’s Promise–Marketable Skills Award for his work in empowering teens.

In addition to IDP, Koh is the founder of The UTOPIA Project, which seeks to relieve the effects of poverty by creating jobs opportunities to manufacture and distribute UTOPIA-branded products worldwide. Profits from the Project are used to provide food, clothing, shelter, clean water, education, personal development programs, and skill training to those in need.


#35 Performance Of The Year Nominee - Trevor Carlson


#33 Ireland Slab Hunters - Tom Lowe & Sundaran Gillespie