#5 Guinness World Record Breaker & Big Wave Surfer - Shawn Dollar


In 2011, Dollar paddled into the biggest wave ever at Mavericks. At 55-feet, it earned him the XXL “Biggest Paddle” wave. In 2012, he trumped his own record by paddling into a 62-foot wave at the Cortes Bank, earning him the XXL award for not only “Biggest Paddle” wave, but simply “Biggest Wave,” the first time a paddle in surfer had bested the world’s best tow-in crews. He finished the Mavericks Invitational that year in sixth place, a huge honor.  And all that time, he was never a professional surfer. Dollar has worked in the surf industry for ten years, and also as a broker for Dollar Brokerage, handling 160 accounts. He became a Reef sales rep in 2010, in the midst of his rise to big wave stardom. Dollar lives with his wife and son in Santa Cruz.


#6 Meet The Young Skater Who Banned Styrofoam In San Luis Obispo - Cory Jones


#4 Bird Poop & Coral Reefs - Dr. Susy Honig